Petroleum Newsroom

Egypt raises electricity tariffs 14.9% starting July


CAIRO – 21 May 2019: Egypt’s Electricity Minister Mohamed Shaker has announced new electricity prices after a 14.9 percent rise that will be applied as of July. Shaker said, during a Tuesday press conference, that the new prices would save the state from a deficit of up to LE 33.5 billion.

The new prices, according to the minister, come as part of the government’s economic reform program, as follows:

Housing use:

First bracket: From 0 to 50 kilowatts = (30 piasters up from 22).

Second bracket: From 51 kilowatts to 100 = (40 piasters up from 30).

Third bracket: From 0 to 200 kilowatts = (50 piasters up from 36).

Fourth bracket: From 201 to 350 kilowatts = (82 piasters up from 70).

Fifth bracket: From 351 kilowatts to 650 = (100 piasters up from 90).

Sixth bracket: From 651 to 1000 kilowatts = (140 piasters up from 135).

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Seventh bracket: From 0 to more than 1000 kilowatts will have no subsidy (145 piasters)


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