Gelita contemplates building Halal gelatin factory in Egypt

Gelita is a German firm that owns 21 factories worldwide, and has a global market share of 22 percent. Gelita representatives met with the minister of industry and trade several times. They are coordinating with the Ministry of Agriculture to ensure veterinary supervision and issuance of veterinary certificates required for animal products in Egypt.
Mehrez presented during the meeting the measures taken throughout the past two years to keep a record of cattle in Egypt. The records include the health status, numbering, and registration of 4.4 million cattle in Egypt. Mehrez also displayed the plan set to develop slaughterhouses.
The factory will be established in Robeiky city as a partnership between Gelita, the Cairo National Company for Investment and Securities, and a number of private tanneries. Meetings with Egyptian officials have been ongoing since August.
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