Petroleum Newsroom

Industry min. convenes with representatives of key int’l companies


CAIRO, April 7 (MENA) – Trade and Industry Minister Amr Nassar continued holding intensive meetings with representatives from major international companies on the fringe of the 10th World Economic Forum on the Middle East and North Africa that kicked off in Jordan’s Dead Sea region on Saturday.

In a statement on Sunday, the Trade and Industry Ministry said Nassar had talks with the CEO of the Japanese company Sumitomo Electric Industries on the company’s future plans to expand its activities in Egypt, especially in the Suez Canal Economic Zone.

He underlined the government’s keenness on luring more investments into various industrial sectors to upgrade the national industry and, hence, up Egypt’s exports.

The Japanese company’s CEO asserted keenness on pumping more investments into Egypt which is a promising market, hailing the economic reforms introduced by the Egyptian government in the past few years.

The minister also had talks with the North Africa regional director of Johnson & Johnson company on the firm’s future plans.

Nassar had talks as well with Bishoy Azmy, the CEO and Executive Director of ASGC Group which is a leading construction company in Dubai.

The talks tackled the company’s expansion plan in Egypt.

He also conducted talks with the regional directors of Procter & Gamble and Royal Philips on their investments in the Egyptian market.


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