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Investment minister stresses importance of African integration


WASHINGTON – 16 April 2019: Minister of Investment and International Cooperation Sahar Nasr has affirmed the importance of African integration to take advantage of various potential and prospects for deepening trade and investment among countries of the continent.

Commenting on the African Free Trade Agreement and its possible entry into force within months, the minister told CNN that the African integration is very important in the current phase through several infrastructure projects, interdependence and inclusiveness as Africa is lagging behind other continents with respect to sustainable development goals and indicators.

Egypt is always keen to consult and respond to changes in the global economy and the needs of the Egyptian people, Nasr said.

She said that the Egyptian people have realized what the country experienced over the past years

“This is very important,” she stated.

“We make extensive consultations before applying any positive reforms. We talk with citizens, the private sector and civil society so that we could get the support of the Egyptian people,” the minister said.

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“We are making wide-ranging talks with lawmakers, and we are reviewing and revising several reforms,” she added.


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