Petroleum Newsroom

PM: 4 central wholesale markets to be established in Egypt


CAIRO, 2 April 2019: The Egyptian government is keen on upgrading the domestic trade system, says Mostafa Madbouli.

The prime minister, in a meeting with Supply Minister Ali Moselhi earlier Tuesday, said this should be done through developing the infrastructure and achieving a quantum leap in terms of logistics.

He also talked about a national project to build new roads and upgrade the existing network, noting that this should ease transport movement between the different governorates.

The meeting also focused on a plan to establish four central wholesale markets, as well as logistics zones.

Madbouli directed Moselhi to immediately act to build the markets in Giza, Delta, Upper Egypt and Canal regions.

The meeting also took up a plan to establish 54 logistics zones across Egypt until 2030, said Cabinet spokesman Nader Saad.

Moselhi said work is underway to establish eight of them at total investments of six billion pounds.

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The projects are expected to secure 20,000 direct and indirect jobs for youth, he added.


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