Petroleum Newsroom

Egypt, Jordan discuss work progress in joint gas projects


CAIRO – 4 April 2019: Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Tarek el Molla has discussed in a meeting with Jordanian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Hala Zwati work progress in joint projects and strategies outlined to diversify the two countries’ energy resources, especially natural gas.

During the meeting, the two ministers probed the possibility for making good use of Egyptian companies’ expertise and capacities to upgrade the basic infrastructure for natural gas in different Jordanian cities, given that Egypt is one of the pioneering countries in natural gas uses, the oil ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

Following the meeting, el Molla and Zwati inaugurated a project to develop a key natural gas compressor station in the Jordanian city of Aqaba, the statement added.

The station, which is considered the main linking point for natural gas trade between Egypt and Jordan, includes four compressors, with a total production capacity of 22 megawatts, the statement read.

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While inspecting the main natural gas line in Aqaba, the two ministers said the coming period is expected to witness a fresh impetus for joint energy projects, which represent the base for pushing forward bilateral economic ties, the statement noted.


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